Standard Capacity Products
Firm Bookable Capacity Products
Capacity product | Booking period | Commencement of transportation1 | Earliest booking time1 |
Within-day | 1 to 23 hours | Two full hours after booking | 2 hours and 59 minutes prior to commencement |
Day-ahead | 1 day | At 06:00 |
At 06.00 hours on the day before, however capacity for Sunday and Monday can be booked from 06:00 hours on Friday |
Month | 1 calendar month | At 06:00 hours on the first day in the month | At 06.00 hours on the third Monday in the month before |
Quarter | 1 calendar quarter | At 06:00 hours on the first day in the quarter | At 06.00 hours on the second Monday in the month before |
Year | 1 January to 31 December |
At 06:00 hours on 1 January | At 06.00 hours on the first Monday in December |
1Stated time is with reference to Danish time (Central European (Summer) Time). Latest booking time is prior to 04:00 hours on the Gas Day before commencement of transportation however latest booking time for the Within-day product is 2 (two) full hours before the start of the booking period.
Standard Tariffs
Tariffs for Standard Capacity Products
The Shipper shall pay a Capacity Tariff as follows:
(1) The Capacity Tariff ('ship or pay' tariff) is the summation of the Entry tariff and the Exit tariff stipulated in the table below.
Capacity Tariffs (from January 2025) | DKK per kWh | ||||
Delivery point | Tyra | South Arne | |||
Entry tariff | 0 | 0 |
Capacity Tariffs (from January 2025) | DKK per kWh | ||||
Redelivery point | Nybro | ||||
Capacity product |
Day-ahead and Within-day |
Month | Quarter | Year | |
Relative exit tariff | 120% | 100% | 99,5% | 99,0% | |
Exit tariff | 0.011551 | 0.0096258 | 0.0095777 | 0.0095295 | |
Capacity tariff | 0.011551 | 0.0096258 | 0.0095777 | 0.0095295 |
The Capacity Tariff is indexed every 1 January in accordance with the Danish consumer price index, see article 9 of the STC.
Historical Tariffs | |
Different limits of quantities of gas expressed relative to the Shipper's Booked Hourly Capacity
Limit | Percentage of Booked Hourly Capacity |
Free Under-delivery Flexibility | 0% (zero) |
Free Over-delivery Flexibility | 288% (two hundred eighty eight) |
Storage Limit | 2,400% (two thousand four hundred) |
Storage Fees
Fees related to the Shipper's Storage Gas and Surplus Gas
Fees (from January 2025) | DKK/MWh |
Storage Fee | 2.5377 |
Surplus Gas Fee | 2.5377 |
The Fees are indexed every 1 January in accordance with the Danish consumer price index, see Article 9 of the STC.
Trading Fee
Fee related to a Quantity of Surplus Gas sold by the Operator on the Shipper's behalf at ETF.
Trading Fee (from January 2025) | DKK per MWh |
Trading Fee | 26.8301 |
The Trading Fee is indexed every 1 January in accordance with the Danish consumer price index, see article 9 of the STC.
Shippers are invoiced during beginning of a calendar month for transportation services rendered during the previous calendar month. Due date for payment will be last Banking Day of the month of invoicing.
Technical Capacities
Technical transportation capacities are shown in the table below:
Technical Capacities | All capacities in million kWh/hour | |
Delivery point | Tyra East | South Arne |
Technical capacity | 12.60 | 3.441 |
1) The Technical Capacity can be expanded to approx. 6.7 million kWh per hour by expanding the South Arne receiving terminal.
Shippers book capacity products and nominate at the Redelivery Point Nybro which deliver natural gas to the Danish transmission system.
Standard Terms and Conditions
The Standard Terms and Conditions including Appendices A to C are available as files to be downloaded via links on the Booking Procedure page.